This morning a co-worker asked the question “how are you doing today?” this was my reply:

This week has been a pivotal point for me. I really think that I am emotionally and mentally not going back to the person that I was prior to March 13th. I know that my glass is half full but dang if there isn’t a small crack that is leaking out the smallest bit of liquid, and I just can’t stop the leaking….

I don’t know what prompted me to answer in that way. Other than that it is the truth. And the person that asked and I have a safe space component to our friendship.


In some ways, I find this admission very sad. But in other ways, it gives me hope. I have hope that even as things continue to spiral, and I know that I won’t be the same person, from this statement I know that I will just be a different version of that person. 

It is much like the story that I believe I have shared here about when my daughter was a toddler and I was struggling as a mom with all of the pushings and pulling that I was experiencing. I remember hearing a voice telling me that “things don’t get better they just get different”. 

And like a lightning bolt straight through my being, I was changed. I equate this admission of difference to be the same. 

So how do we take such knowledge and create a bubble of positivity in times of such uncertainty?

What am I doing to add that knowledge to my BE-ing in the world and using it to grow rather than shrink?

Part of the process of growth and positivity is to acknowledge the thoughts and feelings that you are experiencing. Follow the acknowledgment with deep gratitude for their mere existence. Offering gratitude for painful experiences or realizations is a way to heal them and begin untangling the energetic webs that they created. Don’t sit in this time of retreat for too long. When your spirit begins feeling lighter you will know it is time to move as the energy is shifting. The message has finally completed its work of education, it is time to allow that message to leave.


I sat with the acknowledgment and gratitude for a few hours. I accepted that if this message is true, then I am ready to start creating the new me. I believe that we each get the opportunity to recreate ourselves daily, minute by minute. After a few hours, I began to feel lighter. I wish I could describe this sensation. If you are familiar with tuning into your body and energy, you may understand what this feels like for you. For me, when the energy is ready to move, I feel like giggling and just moving about. When those feelings bubble up, I typically put on some music and just dance around the room. 

Elizabeth talked about a few ways to get rid of the energy that gets stuck in our bodies and our minds. You may not be familiar with some of her suggestions, but I recommend taking a couple of moments to read her posts. It is important to move the old, stuck energy from your body to allow for new experiences to take place. 

After I spend time in motion I start really thinking about who and how I want to be in this next version of myself. What differences can I make for myself and others? What experiences would I like to create? Who would I like to share those with? I continue asking questions and writing free-form for each question until I feel like I have exhausted the list.


I know that I don’t have to have any of the answers to my questions. I simply have to ask the questions. Situations will appear that will lead me to the answers, or to other questions, either way, the answers are not my responsibility. My work is to stay in the question and be open to any information that comes to me.

It is key to remain positive throughout the questioning process. The answers typically will not look the way you expect them to. And that is ok. Remain positive in the fact that the answers are to lead you to your highest potential. Continue to express gratitude for the answers and the new questions as each is a stepping stone to your ideal life.

As you begin to face your fears and reach for the resilience to move beyond them, I hope that you think about each of these steps and continue to be positive that with resilience comes change, and change is always good. It may not look like we expected, but that is why G.U.S. (God/Universe/Spirit) knows what is best for us. 

Remain positive and when things look bleak, ask another question. The questions will always lead you to where you should be going. If asking doesn’t seem to work, then just keep moving.

Other posts in the resilience series: